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TSBTV#129 - Take The Next Step!

TSBTV#129 - Take The Next Step!

Back in the early days of my trading, I knew just enough to be dangerous.

And yet I knew I needed to get to the next level in order to see serious results from my efforts.  In my case, I wanted it to be a career.  In your case, it might be something different.

Regardless of what “it” is for you, the fact remains that you’ve got to get to the next level somehow.  I’ve always felt that if I could stand on the shoulders of giants, it would be worth doing.  Why not let someone else’s experience and expertise help shorten my own path to the desired result (independence, profits, knowledge, etc.).

Well, I’ve just created “it” for you.

It’s the new Advanced Trading Course over at TheStockBandit University, and I wanted to tell you about it.  That’s also why you’ve pretty much just seen the weekend Index Reviews here for the past couple months.

Don’t worry, you’ll see much more good stuff from me once again now that my time isn’t all going toward creating this massive resource for traders who want to move beyond mediocrity.

So here in Episode 129, I’m going to show you the course and give you a sneak peek at what it includes.

(Be sure to click the full-screen option for best viewing.)

Hope you enjoy the show! Thanks for watching and subscribing, and feel free to post your ideas and comments down below.

Trade like a Bandit!

Jeff White
President, TheStockBandit, Inc.
(Premium service)
(Trading Blog) (Stock Trading Course)


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