TSBTV#29 - Base Comparisons
Posted on: March 5, 2009

A chart pattern can offer us a lot of info as traders. It can imply which way a stock may move next. It can give us a clear-cut technical entry and exit. And perhaps most importantly, it can help us gauge just how important the current base may prove to be over time.
(As mentioned in the video, here is the link to the chart patterns page - once there just click the individual links for more info.)
So here in Episode 29, we’ll take a look at 2 example charts and I’ll show you what I mean.
(Be sure to click the full-screen option for best viewing.)
Hope you enjoy the show! Thanks for watching and subscribing, and feel free to post your ideas and comments down below.
Trade like a Bandit!
Jeff White
President, TheStockBandit, Inc.
www.TheStockBandit.com (Premium service)
www.TheStockBandit.net (Trading Blog)