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TSBTV#28 - Spring Cleaning

TSBTV#28 - Spring Cleaning

Spring is here, and that means doing some chores around the house.  Maybe it’s time to get rid of some junk or start caring for that lawn again.  Hate that.

But in the trading realm, there’s another kind of spring cleaning that’s quite important.  And especially right now after seeing a tremendous correction in prices, it’s something that needs to be done.

Here in Episode 28, I’ll show you what I mean so that you can shave some time off your daily process.

(Be sure to click the full-screen option for best viewing.)

Hope you enjoy the show! Thanks for watching and subscribing, and feel free to post your ideas and comments down below.

Trade like a Bandit!

Jeff White
President, TheStockBandit, Inc. (Premium service) (Trading Blog)

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