TSBTV#122 - Market View 3-21-2010
Posted on: March 21, 2010

The market was down on Friday to end last week, potentially signaling the much-needed rest is attempting to begin. That doesn’t mean the rally is over, but rather that it’s possibly taking a bit of a spring break. Even then, more evidence is needed in the form of a continued pullback before we can expect some basing action to truly set in.
It’s been quite a run over the past several weeks, and it brought new 52-week highs to the table in each of the indexes. That’s no small feat considering the January this market had, but does it mean the best is over? Actually, for traders like you & me, I think it’s only going to get better. What we all want and need the most is not a straight-up rally, but some back and forth price action with reversals, consolidations, and essentially anything besides a one-way nonstop move. I expect we’ll have more variety in the days and weeks ahead, and that’s exciting!
Here in Episode 122, we’ll examine the NAZ, S&P 500, and DJIA and discuss some important levels to monitor going forward. Hope you find it helpful!
(Be sure to click the full-screen option for best viewing.)
Hope you enjoy the show! Thanks for watching and subscribing, and feel free to post your ideas and comments down below.
Trade like a Bandit!
Jeff White
President, TheStockBandit, Inc.
www.TheStockBandit.com (Premium service)
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